Denton's Finest Florists

Bouquets, Posies & Sprays Galore

Seek out the vibrant world of flowers in Denton, where each bouquet tells a story.

Our guide highlights the best florists, ensuring your floral needs are met with creativity and care.

Buttercups & Daisies

Forget Me Nots

Carol's Creations Florists

Anna At Flower Power

K & D Freeman

Denton 5

The Blooming Scene in Denton

Choosing the Perfect Florist for Every Occasion

Leading Florists in Denton

Buttercups & Daisies

Denton Florist 1

Located at 37 Manchester Road, Buttercups & Daisies is a family-run florist known for its friendly service and attention to detail. They offer a wide range of floral items, from everyday bouquets to funeral tributes.

Their specialties include wedding flowers and same-day deliveries for any occasion. Customers appreciate their ability to create large arrangements for events like exhibitions and graduations.


37 Manchester Road
M34 3JU


0161 336 4273

Forget Me Nots

Denton Florist 2

Situated at 8 Ashton Road, Forget Me Nots has been serving the Denton community since 1982. They offer a variety of products, including flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, fine wines, champagne, and balloons.

Their services encompass weddings, funerals, and corporate events. Customers often praise their consistent quality and excellent service.


8 Ashton Rd
M34 3EX


0161 336 1048

Carol's Creations Florists

Denton Florist 3

At 235 Ashton Road, Carol’s Creations is known for beautifully handcrafted floral tributes and wedding flowers. They passionately create all bouquets in-house and personally deliver them within Tameside, ensuring fresh and beautiful flowers every time.

Their offerings include extravagant bouquets and unique floral designs for special occasions. Contact them at 07863 815 894 or explore their creations on Instagram at @forevercarolscreations.


235 Ashton Road
M34 3LR


07863 815 894

Anna At Flower Power

Denton Florist 4

With over 25 years of experience, Anna MacKay has transitioned from owning a retail florist to offering mobile services.

Specialising in funerals, weddings, and flowers for memorable occasions, Anna provides great customer service and attention to detail. She offers complimentary consultations and serves the Glossop and Tameside areas.


07792 590427

K & D Freeman

Denton Florist 5

Established in 1948, K & D Freeman is a nursery that has been serving the Denton area for decades.

Originally located on Manchester Road, they moved to a larger site across the road due to the construction of the M67 motorway.

They offer a variety of plants and flowers, catering to both retail and wholesale customers.


Broomstair Nurseries
Watson Street
M34 3EN


0161 336 4377

Wrapping Up the Floral Tour

Discover Denton's Floral Gems

We’ve taken a delightful journey through Denton’s top florists, each offering something unique and special. From Buttercups & Daisies’ exquisite displays to Forget Me Not’s personalized service, there’s a florist for every taste and occasion. Don’t forget Carol’s Creations Florist’s artistic flair and Anna At Flower Power’s mobile services. K & D Freeman wraps up our list with their vibrant and creative offerings. Be sure to visit their websites or give them a call to experience their floral wonders firsthand.